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Market Runners Forum Update March 2021
Our Market Runners Forum group is looking forward to a busy spring and summer season. Markets are increasing spacing and in some cases limiting the number of vendors or visitors using timed tickets or multiple days. We are all looking forward to a safe market experience this year.
Quick•Connect is on March 6
Even though SMASH! has been canceled this year, you won’t miss your annual chance to Quick•Connect, for free, with local business experts. On March 6, we are hosting a Quick•Connect Online.
Vendor Applications Open For Art Markets in Wake County
As the vaccine rollout continues, we are seeing more art and craft markets planning for their 2021 seasons.
Launching Creative Centering Mindfulness Program for Region’s Art Community
Following the strong success of our recent Mindfulness program for arts administrators, we are expanding the audience and launching an ongoing Creative Centering Mindfulness program for the region’s entire arts community.
Peel Gallery Coming to Carrboro
Peel Gallery, a new gallery and community space, is coming to Carrboro in December.
NC CARES For Arts Program - More COVID Relief for Arts Organizations
As part of the state’s spending plan for federal CARES Act funding, $9.4 million was designated to provide direct aid to arts councils and arts organizations in an effort to mitigate business disruptions caused by COVID-19. These funds will be distributed through the new North Carolina CARES for Arts Grant program, on a per-capita basis to all North Carolina counties with a population less than 1 million people.
Arts Donor Survey - Towards Equity in Arts Fundraising
Over the past few months, Artspace has begun a Community Conversation around equity in arts fundraising in the Triangle region. To continue this work, Artspace has partnered with Triangle ArtWorks to take the next steps to foster a community conversation towards achieving systemic change to increase equity in arts fundraising.
New MURR Program offers Mortgage, Utilities, and Rent Relief for Limited Arts Biz Categories
Gov. Cooper announced that $40 Million of the NC Cares Act allocation will be targeted for small businesses which have been unable to operate during the Covid-10 shutdowns. The NC Department of Commerce’s new Mortgage, Utility, and Rent Relief (MURR) Program will be available to qualifying businesses to help with some fixed costs. To qualify, your organization must meet certain eligibility criteria.
Artspace Hosts ‘Equity in Fundraising’ Conversations
Raleigh-based Artspace is working to bring a new approach to fundraising for both their own organization and the Triangle arts community. Their community conversations help demystify fundraising and aim to direct organizations towards more equitable fundraising practices.
Triangle ArtWorks Launches Its First Long-Form Course
Triangle ArtWorks is proud to offer it's first traditional long-form professional development course "Craft Entrepreneurship" to artists and craftspeople this autumn. This 8-week course, starting…
Introducing Our New Board Members
We are very excited to welcome five new members who will help guide Triangle Artworks into the future:
Join Our Outreach Committee!
We are expanding our Outreach Committee to include members from the public and want you to be a part of it!
Arts Administrators - What Training Do You Need Now?
Do you work in arts administration in the Triangle? Then we need your input!
PPP Loan Application Deadline Extended
The deadline to apply for a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgivable loan through a bank or online financial institution was officially extended from June 30 to August 8, 2020.
Arts Now Required for All NC High School Graduates
As of July of this year, future high school students in NC must now complete at least one credit in an arts course to graduate. While many urban districts have had such a requirement, the bill allows all NC school districts to use state education funds to support these courses.
NC Arts Council Partners presents a Free Workshop Series for Teaching Artists
The North Carolina Arts Council, in partnership with North Carolina Central University’s Teaching Artist Certificate Program, will present Teaching Artist Tuesdays, an online workshop series kicking-off Tuesday, July 14.
Triangle ArtWorks Launches Black Arts Directory for the Region
Durham, NC: In response to Black Lives Matter, Triangle ArtWorks (TAW) launched an online Black artists and arts organization directory on Juneteenth (June 19th). The directory was created to make it easier for the Region to recognize, lift up, and – most importantly – fund and hire Black artists and Black-led arts organizations.