Join Our Outreach Committee!

As part of our commitment to expand our support of Black artists and arts organizations in response to Black Lives Matter, we have tasked our Board Outreach Committee to take a step back and look at whether we are meeting our Mission for the entire Triangle arts sector.  This committee will work to hold Triangle ArtWorks accountable by looking at where we are falling short on serving the entire arts community and how we can better create resources and programming to reach these communities and serve these needs, with a focus on artists and arts administrators of color. We know this is a big project, but we are committed to begin this long-range work.

And we will need help.

So, we are expanding our Outreach Committee to include members from the public. Although we are constantly working to ensure that our Board is representative of the Triangle, it simply is not a big group. To get more voices around the table, we need to expand the size of this Committee. If you are interested in helping with this work by becoming a member of our Outreach Committee, please send us an email, telling us about yourself and why you want to be involved in this work. Public Outreach Committee members will be expected to serve on the Committee for a one year term, with possibility of extended terms up to three years.


Introducing Our New Board Members


Arts Administrators - What Training Do You Need Now?