Contact Us
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Help us spread the word about the impact of the work that Triangle ArtWorks is doing.
Our Mission is to help those working in the arts sector thrive - that’s you! Hearing from you not only helps us better serve you, but also helps us show the broader community the impact that we are having, which helps us grow our work through increased funding, partnerships and more.
Have a question?
For general inquiries please email us at
Program suggestions?
For questions or comments about ArtSwell or if you have an idea for an ArtSwell program, email us at
Submit a Resource or Directory Listing
If you would like to submit a listing for our resource directories, please send us an email.
Submit a job listing
If you would like to submit a job listing or have something you think we should promote, email us
We suggest you read the promotional guidelines below before emailing us.
If you are interested in volunteering at Triangle ArtWorks, please email us at
Join the Board
If you are interested in board service please email
Our Mailing Address is
Triangle ArtWorks
514 Daniels Street, #106
Raleigh, NC 27605
Our Promotional Guidelines
The following are the general guidelines for Triangle ArtWorks’ use of its media platform, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blog, website, email, and newsletter.
Triangle ArtWorks will promote, through its communication channels the following:
1. Calls for artists’ requests for proposals, auditions, or other information on job openings, both temporary and permanent, in the Triangle arts community. Job openings outside the Triangle area will be included if determined to be of particular significance.
2. Local, state and national news of general interest to or that would affect the work of members of the Triangle arts community, or a discipline group within that community.
3. Information about regional events that provide networking, mentoring, or educational benefits to members of the Triangle arts community. Except, we will not generally promote classes that build art skills alone unless that class is rarely offered in the Triangle.
4. Information regarding activity by local, state, or federal governments, or courts that are either being discussed or are pending, that may affect the work of the Triangle arts community. In such a case, and where possible, Triangle ArtWorks will push out information about the legislation being considered, and how to be heard on such legislation.
Triangle ArtWorks will specifically NOT promote, through its communication channels, the following:
1. Fundraisers.
2. Any calls for art or artists that requires work to be done upfront without compensation or does not result in the artist receiving a fair portion of the proceeds for the sale of their work.
3. Arts receptions, shows, performances, or other “calendar-type” events.
4. Any working opportunities that do not provide compensation or a salary range in their postings. (why is this?)
5. Files provided to us via email. All promotional information and job positions must be submitted to us as hyperlinks. We are not able to host or distribute files safely to our community.