Scroll down to see how artists like you can get the most out of SMASH!

How Artists Can Get The Most Out Of SMASH!
We want you to make the most of your evening. Whether you are there to see old friends or to make new ones, we are here to help. We know that walking through the door is half the fun, but here are a few things you should know and a few suggestions to make your evening both fun AND productive!
You will be in a room filled with artists, arts organization leaders, and professionals that provide services and resources to the arts community. How can you be ready to get the most out of your conversations?
Name tag – Make one here, or bring your own unique name tag or way for others to know your name.
Are you ready to show your work? Bring pictures, a tablet, or a preferred device to show others what you do.
Have business cards, stickers, QR codes, or other printed materials ready to hand out.
Bring pen and paper or digital devices to write down all the new connections and ideas that will happen!
Be ready with your elevator pitch. Don’t know what that is? Here's an example!
Invite a friend to come along!
The Have/Needs stickers are the most popular way to make new friends and get conversations in high gear. The stickers go on YOU, so people can see what you Have/need and connect with each other quickly. We also have the Have/Needs Wall, think of it as the best community bulletin board, where people can look for the right person or group to help them succeed through collaboration and specific skill sets. The wall is where you post general needs, like “Our collective is looking for new members” or “I am a freelance website designer; here’s my number.” You may even want to come prepared with your own snazzy Have/Need sheets to stand out in the crowd. We ask that you limit your promotional materials to 8.5” x 11” if you plan to attach them to the wall. If you have any questions, contact us. Learn more about the Have/Need wall here.
We know you are all Superheroes, so we’d love to see your capes & shields, or you can borrow one of ours and have your picture taken at our Selfie Wall. Do you need to wear a costume? No, but we really hope you do!