Have/Need Exchange
One of the hardest things folks working in the arts have to deal with is finding the help they need or getting the word out that they have something to offer. So, we created the Have/Need Exchange to make it easier for SMASH! attendees to find and share local resources in real-time and make immediate connections.
What are “Haves” and “Needs”?
The short answer is “it depends”! What would really help you move your work forward? What are you good at, or do you or your company/organization have access to, that you can offer others? Here are some ideas to get you thinking ….
Haves: Affordable studio space, marketing expertise, photography skills, grants, bookkeeping skills, an artist accountability group with openings for new members, etc.
Needs: Gallery/performance representation, a mentor, a drummer, other craft artists to start a regular craft and share session, exhibition space, etc.
Don’t be afraid to state what you really need or have to share. You will be in a room full of people that “get it” because they have been there or are also “there” and will want to help!
How does it work?
At the Have/Need exchange, you will have two ways to share and connect with other attendees on haves and needs.
Have/Need Wall: On the Have/Need wall, you may post a (maximum 8.5x11inch) flyer with information about what you are looking for or have to offer. The format is up to you. We recommend a QR code on your flyer to take people to more information or to conduct signups. We will also have paper and pens for you to create a flyer that night!
Have/Need stickers: The best way to share - we will have stickers for you to write your have/needs and wear with pride! It’s a great conversation starter AND will allow folks to immediately talk about who you should connect with, either at the event or in the Triangle community.
Going Green - In an effort to host a more green event, we are asking that you do not bring stacks of brochures or flyers. Instead - wear your business card or qrcode for others to snap a photo and use the wall as described above to share your information. You may hand items directly to others, but we will not have tables where you can drop off information
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