Get Involved In ArtWorks - Join Our Board Or Committees!

Love the work that we do here at Triangle ArtWorks
and ready to get more involved? 
There are lots of ways to do that!

Board Membership 

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The Triangle ArtWorks Board of Directors adds new Board members at its Annual Meeting every July.  We are always looking for new Board members who 1) Believe in the Mission and work of Triangle ArtWorks, 2) Are committed to joining in the work to build Triangle ArtWorks to a sustainable nonprofit to serve the Triangle arts sector into the future, and 3) Have skills to bring to the table.

In particular, we are looking for folks with skills/experience in event planning, human resources, outreach/marketing, design, and accounting/finance, but are open to all skill sets. We are also looking for diversity in everything from age and ethnic background to the side of the Triangle where you live. We want to bring to our Board table folks from a variety of backgrounds and experiences that want to see the Triangle arts community thrive AND be respected as a vital business community in the Triangle. 

Our Board commitment is three years, with quarterly meetings of the full Board, but committee meetings in between. Board members are expected to make a financial contribution that is significant to them. Want to join us? Fill out an application here!

Committee Work 

Not ready to commit the time to serving on the Board, but still want to help?  Most of our Board committees welcome public members. And service on a Committee is a great pathway to Board membership. Here are the Committees and what they do.

Fundraising - This Committee takes the lead in development of financial support to fund our work. The work involves identifying funding sources and contacts, as well as leadership in creating and implementing an organizational fundraising plan, with the support of Staff and the rest of the Board. Chair: Susan Ware Flower

Outreach - The Outreach Committee is responsible for the outward facing impact of the organization. They work to assure that our work meets our stated Mission and that we are succeeding in marketing and outreach of our work. This year, in keeping with our Pledge to Black Artists and Organizations, our Outreach Committee has launched a year long, facilitated, look at how Triangle ArtWorks is doing in serving the needs of the diverse communities of the Triangle and developing a plan to address any issues that it uncovers. Learn more about this work hereChair: Whitney Stanley

SMASH! - The SMASH! Committee has the fun job of planning the Triangle’s biggest art event of the year.  And of making sure that it is a fun event, but also that SMASH! Attendees leave with new connections, new resources, AND a renewed sense that they are an important part of the most vital business sector in the Triangle!  Because SMASH!2021 did not happen, we are looking forward to an even bigger and more impactful event in January 2022!  Chair: Lyman Collins


Interested in Board membership? Fill out an application. If you are interested in serving on a Committee, or just have questions, reach out to the Triangle Artworks staff


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